Designs and Patterns
- 1000 Ornamental Designs for Artists and Craftspeople, Claude Humbert (Dover)
- Traditional Japanese Family Crests, Isao Honda (Dover)
- Japanese Design Motifs, Matsuya Piece (Dover)
- Chinese Design CD/book (Dover Pictura)
- Japanese Design CD/book (Dover Pictura)
- Art Nouveau CD/book (Dover Pictura)
- Aztec Designs, Penny Brown (Search Press)
- Aboriginal Designs, Penny Brown (Search Press)
- Making Kimono and Japanese clothes, Jenni Dobson (Batsford)
- Patchwork Puzzle Balls, Jinny Beyer (BP)
- Omiyage, Handmade Gifts from Fabric in the Japanese Tradition, Kumiko Sudo (CB)
- More Sew It Yourself Home Decor, Chris Jefferys (KP Books)
- The Complete Photo Guide to Sewing (Singer)
- Revised and Updated Couture Sewing Techniques, Claire B.Shaeffer (Taunton)
- Stray Sock Sewing, too, Daniel (North Light Books)
- From the Neck Up, Denise Dreher (Madhatter Press)
- Classic Millinery Techniques, Ann Albrizio (Lark Books)
- Women's Hats of the 20th Century, Maureen Reilly and Mary Beth Detrich (Shiffer)
- The Crochet Bible, Betty Barden (Krause)
- Simple Crochet for Cherished Babies, Jane Davis (Lark Books)
- Cool Crocheted Hats, Linda Kopp (Lark Books)
- Crocheting on the Edge, Nicky Epstein (Nicky Epstein Books)
- The Complete Book of Crochet Border Designs, Linda P. Schapper (Latk Books)
- Big Book of Knitting, Katherina Buss (Sterling)
- Vogue Knitting, the Ultimate Knitting Book (Sixth and Spring Books)
- A Passion for Cables, Joyce Wu (Leisure Arts)
- Felted Knits, Beverly Galeskas (Interweave)
- I Felt Awesome, Moxie (North Light Books)
- Knit Kimono, Vicki Square (Interweave)
- The Complete Illustrated Stitch Encyclopedia (Sterling)
- The Techniques of Japanese Embroidery, Shuji Tamura (Krause)
- Les Jours Brodes, 70 modeles traditionnels, Jacqueline Clech, Mick
Fouriscot (ed. Didier Carpentier)
- Les jours, au fil des jours, Francoise Fittante (Editions de Saxe)
- Embroidered Treasures for Children, Claire Garland (Stewart Tabori and Chang)
- The Temari Book, techniques and patterns for making Japanese thread balls,
Anna Diamond (Lark Books)
- The Craft of Temari, Mary Wood (Search Press)
- Sashiko, Mary Parker (Lark Books)
- Creative Kumihimo, Jacqui Carey
- Beginner's Guide to Braiding, the Craft of Kumihimo, Jacqui Carey (Search Press)
- Making Kumihimo, Japanese Interlaced Braids, Rodrick Owen (Guild of Master Craftsman Publications)
- Kumihimo, The Essence of Japanese Braiding, Aiko Sakai and Makiko Tada (Lacis)
- Makiko Tada's collection: Comprehensive Treatrise of Braids
- I Maru-dai Braids
- III Takadai braids 1
- IV Takadai braids 2
- V Takadai braids 3 (pick-up braids)
- VI Kumihimo Disk and Plate
- VII Kumihimo Disk and Plate 2
- Leather Braiding, Bruce Grant (Cornell Maritime Press)
- Luis Ortega's Rawhide Artistry, Chuck Stormes and Don Reeves (Oklahoma)
- Card Weaving, Candace Crockett (Interweave)
- The Handweaver's Pattern Directory, Anne Dixon (Interweave)
- Collapse Weave, Creating three-dimensional Cloth, Anne Field (A&C Black)
- Beginner's Guide to Bobbin Lace, Gilan Dye and Adrienne Thunder (Search Press)
- La Frivolite, Dentelle aux Navettes, Pascale Provost, Mick Pouriscot (ed.
Didier Carpentier)
- Learn to Tat, Janette Baker (American School of Needlework)
- Finger Weaving: Indian Braiding, Alta R. Turner (Cherokee Publications)
- Tissages Insolites, Claude Acker (Dessain et Tolra)
- The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Knots and Ropework, Geoffrey Budworth (Barnes
and Noble Books)
- Noeuds Marins, Le Guide Pratique du Matelotage, Geoffrey Budworth (Artemis)
- The Complete Book of Decorative Knots, Geoffrey Budworth (The Lyons Press)
- The Book of Decorative Knots, Peter Owen (The Lyons Press)
- Chinese Knotting, Lydia Chen (Echo Books)
- The Complete book of Chinese Knotting, Lydia Chen (Tuttle)
- Paracord Fusion Ties, volume 1 and 2, by JD of Tying it All Together
- Decorative Fusion Knots, by JD of Tying it All Together
- Hana Musubi, Traditional Japanese Flower-knots, by Toshiko Tanaka
Clay Modeling, Sculpture
- The Art of Polymer Clay, Creative Surface Effects, Donna Kato (Watson Guptill)
- The Art of Polymer Clay, Millefiori Techniques, Donna Kato (Watson Guptill)
- The Essential Guide to Mold Making and Slip Casting, Andrew Martin (Lark Ceramics Bool)
- From Clay to Bronze, Tuck Langland (Watson Guptill)
- Modelage Moulage, Dorothy Arthur (Fleurus Idees)
- The Portrait in Clay, Peter Rubino (Watson Guptill)
- Terracotta, the Technique of Fired Clay Sculpture, Lucchesi & Malmstrom (Watson Guptill)
- Modeling the Head in Clay, Lucchesi & Malmstrom (Watson Guptill)
- Auguste Rodin, Sculptures and Drawings, Gilles Neret (Barnes & Noble)
- Human Anatomy Made Amazingly Easy, Christopher Hart (Watson Guptill)
- Virtual Pose 2, Mario Henri Chakkour (Design Books International)
- Anatomy for the Artist, Jeno Barcsay (Barnes & Noble)
- Great Wood Finishes, Jeff Jewitt (Tauton)
- The Art of the Router, award winning designs, Patrick Spielman (Sterling/Chapelle)
- Basic Chip Carving, Pam Gresham (Schiffer)
- Animal Puzzles for the Scroll Saw, Judy & Dave Peterson (Fox Chapel Publishing)
- Box-Making Projects for the Scroll Saw, Gary MacKay (Fox Chapel Publishing)
- The Complete Illustrated Guide to Joinery, Gary Rogowski (Taunton)
- The Complete Book of Gourd Craft, Summit & Widess (Lark Books)
- The Decorated Gourd, Dyan Mai Peterson (Lark Books)
- Complete Book of Gourd Carving, Summit & Widess (Sterling)
- Gourd Art, Beyond the Basics, David Macfarlane (Sterling/Chapelle)
- Coiled Designs for Gourd Art, Catherine Devine (Schiffer)
- A Guide to Chip-Carving Gourds, Marilyn Rehm (Schiffer)
- Making Gourd Dolls and Spirit Figures. Ginger Summit and Jim Widess (Sterling)
- 162 Traditional and Contemporary Designs for Stained Glass Projects, Joel
Wallach (Dover)
- Stained Glass Crafting, Donatella Zaccaria (Sterling)
- Introduction to Glass Fusing, Petra Kaiser (Wardell Publications)
- Traditional Papercrafts, Janet Wilson (Wellwood Publications)
- Pop-up Giftcards, Masahiro Chatani (Ondori)
- The Complete Pebble Mosaic Handbook, Maggy Howarth (Firefly)
- The Encyclopedia of Mosaic Techniques, Emma Biggs (Running Press)
- The Handmade Basket Book, Rebecca Board (Krause)
- The Fine Art of California Indian Basketry, Brian Bibby (Crocker Art Museum / Jeyday Books)
- Baskets, Polly Pollock (Craft Workshop)
- Hopi Basket Weaving, Artistry in Natural Fibers, Helga Teiwes (Arizona)
- Pine Needle Basketry, Judy Mofield Mallow (Lark Books)
- The Ultimate Basket Book, Lyn Silter (Lark Books)
- Contemporary Wicker Basketry, Flo Hoppe, second edition
- japanese basket book: paper tape (Eco Craft)
- Masters of Bamboo, Rinne (Asian)
- Bamboo in Japan, Nancy Moore Bess (Kodansha)
Chair Caning
- The Caner's Handbook, Bruce W.Miller & Jim Widess (Lark Books)
- Making Chair Seats, Ruth B. Comstock (Dover)
- Creative Native American Beading, Theresa Flores Geary (Sterling)
- Peyote Stitch Beading Projects (Kalmbach Books)
- Beautiful Wire Jewelry for Beaders, Irina Miech (KB)
- Kumihimo Wire Jewelry, Giovanna Imperia (Potter Craft)
Misc Crafts
- Hitched Horsehair, the complete guide for self learning, Shoni Maulding (self published)
- How to Hitch Horsehair, Clay Christensen (self published)
- Hawaian Seed Lei Making, Laurie Shimizu Ide (Mutual)
- Hawaian Lei Making, step by Step Guide, Laurie Shimizu Ide (Mutual)
- Secret d'Atelier: les Laques, Nicolas & Gambrelle (Solar)
- The Art and Craft of Leather (Barron's)
- Tassels, Susan Dickens (Allen Unwin)
- Decorating Eggs, Exquisite Designs with Wax and Dye, Jane Pollak (Sterling/Lark)
- The Art of Chinese Brush Painting, Lucy Wang (Walter Foster)
- Ultimate Guide to Ceramic and Stone Tile (Creative Homeowner)
- Building the Japanese House Today, Peggy Landers Rao and Len Brackett (Abrams)
- Savoir Tout Faire, La Maison Rustique (Flammarion)
- Making Arbors and Trellises, Marcianne Miller and Olivier Rollin (Lark Books)
- Growing Orchids, Brian and Wilma Rittershausen
- All About: Flowering Trees & Shrubs (Ortho Books)
- All About: Annuals (Ortho Books)
- All About: Perennial Gardening (Ortho Books)
- All About: Lawns (Ortho Books)
- All About: Trees (Ortho Books)
- Complete Guide To Vegetables, Fruits and Herbs (Ortho Books)
- Pruning and Traning, Christopher Brickell (DK)
- La Multiplication des Plantes, Encyclopedie Pratique Truffaut (Bordas)
- Potager, Cultiver de beaux legumes au naturel (Hachette)